The Sky was bright
As I walked along the quai.
I could hear the waves
Carrying the clouds away,
And I looked up to see
The clear blue expanse
Harboured the Moon above.
The Moon was always there,
Though oft invisible to eyes
Blinded by pageantry.
The Sun ablaze
Burned decadence
In our minds.
Pupils dilated,
We searched
Among its rays
For fleeting passion,
A moment of heat.
As the Sun drew away,
We followed it,
Our vision, blurred –
So that,
Even if we could see it,
The Moon looked cold,
A face, hardened,
A sign that night would fall.
The Moon was distant,
Disguised in grey,
Hushed, and
Patiently waiting –
Waiting for the Sky
To breathe,
Waiting for the Sun
To set,
Waiting for the dark
To rise.
And in that moment,
Stripped of disguise,
Returning its grey cloak
To the Sky,
The Moon would reclaim
Its place,
A harbinger of light,
Clearing our vision
In the cool of the night.
Desiree, your poetry always astounds me - thank you for sharing!