Northern lights in the south,
A cloud on the ground,
A rainbow with an end,
A pin dropping with a sound—
The hopeful musings
Of an almost hopeless soul
Weigh on the spirit
And take their toll
On the fragile frame
Keeping it all intact,
While the mind keeps searching
For what the heart has lacked.
Yet the spirit holds on
To the thinnest thread
And stays on the most
Trodden of paths to tread,
Deluded by the mirage
Of dreams, fulfilled,
Hopelessness, abated,
And the chance to build
An impregnable stronghold
From the broken glass,
In which fruitful are the trees
And barren is the past.
The torch is lit
And we carry it fast,
Fanning the fleeting flames
To make them last.
If the light burns out
And we are left in the dark,
We steady a rock
To light a new spark.
And on the dimly lit path
We continue to stumble
Along our blind quest,
yet our hopes do not crumble.
In the shadows, we discern
Where our predecessors lie,
But upon closer inspection
We let out a cry—
We see ourselves,
The ghosts of our past
Having been here before,
Caught in the net we had cast
While trying to catch our dream.
Startled we run on the familiar road,
Deaf to the warnings
We do not want to decode.
This time we will reach it,
The oasis we seek,
We will climb the mountain
To its shimmering peak.
This time the journey
Will have an end
And will not repeat itself
Around the next bend.
Patience is a virtue, indeed,
But how long must we wait
To reach the view
That will reveal us our fate?
How hard must our limbs work,
How far must we walk,
Until we see a pig fly
Instead of a hawk?
How many pennies spent,
How many chocolates bought,
Until we find the golden ticket
And receive our happy lot?
How many smiles shared,
How many gazes lost,
Until the reward
Surpasses the cost?
Questions unanswered
As life’s questions are,
We shoot past the moon
For the farthest star,
Hoping for the star to fall
To make our ponderings true,
That heart break simply forged the way
For love to follow through.
But, alas, our anxious aim
Fails to strike the mark,
And doubt makes a swift return
To join us in the dark.
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